Food Fort

The Food Fort logo

Having an impact on the future and education of a child living in poverty is about far more than just a "handout" of money or resources. A lasting impact often happens when these children can have just one trusted adult offer their time and energy in their lives. Our program is designed to have an impact on the academic, social, and emotional education of our youth. All while we build excitement for their post-high school education and future with a college scholarship fund available specifically to Food Fort kids. These funds would provide tutoring materials, games, and resources for emotional growth and help staff the Tree Top program with an additional staff member that's the focus is social/emotional growth. This will help us be better equipped for the many behaviors and trauma that many of our youth struggle with. A portion of the funds will also go towards our "feeding our future" college scholarship fund that is made possible through a partnership with the Lienemann Foundation.

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Thank you for making our community better

Thank you to every nonprofit who submitted an application for The Big Give. We're inspired by your ideas on how to improve our community. 

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The statements and information presented on this page are provided by the nonprofit organization and are not a representation of or associated with Union Bank & Trust.