Magic Moments: The Clay Family

“People always ask me how I do all this with five children. I say I don’t have a choice and keep praying.”

— Iyonna Clay

Powerhouse mom of five Iyonna Clay has always been a champion for those working to get a leg up. Iyonna knows from personal experience that things like bills, rent, and other expenses (like gas and clothes!) keep coming despite life’s circumstances. That’s why, as a case manager/housing specialist with Community Action Partnership, she works tirelessly to help those in poverty find emergency housing, and recently helped out with a city-hosted rental assistance event. She recently moved from a place that wasn’t safe for her family to one that she struggles to afford, and both situations can keep you up at night. It’s why in 2020, she masked up and helped with a socially distanced drive-thru job fair — pretty risky, as she has a health disorder that makes her more susceptible to illness. But she did it, and seeing her picture in Bloomberg Cities Network magazine after that event was almost as exciting to her as the results of the job fair itself! It’s why she approached receiving her bachelor’s degree with the same determination that she did her GED, her tax preparer’s certification, and now, her real estate classes (her dream, besides buying a house for her family one day, is to help others through affordable property). Iyonna’s circumstances have never defined her or her smart, kind, amazing kids, and she doesn’t want circumstances to get in the way of those she serves, either. You can’t let your present situation become an obstacle to better things; life’s just too precious.

Helping the one who helps others

The holidays are a perfect opportunity to help the ones who help others. Iyonna was nominated for a Magic Moment by her mother, Shondra Brown (whom she refers to as her idol), along with Vic Klafter and Kaneesha Mallory, because of her desire to improve herself while helping those around her. This year, Iyonna and her family could really use the help — a long-overdue back surgery in July caused her to miss work for four weeks, which was tough on an already too-tight budget. The sudden move to keep them safe was another blow to the finances. They make several trips to Omaha each year, as LeBrian has dealt with epilepsy since he was a little guy and needs frequent check-ins at Children’s, so gas money and a safe car is important.

A family of achievers

Of all her accomplishments, Iyonna has five of which she is incredibly proud: Ke’Sean, 18, who just graduated high school and is beginning computer technology classes; Mya, who’s 16 and on the student council; LeBrian, 13, an honor student and gifted program participant; 12-year-old Leriyah, who has been blessed with a full ride scholarship to Doane University and was an Inspire Awards Young Leader nominee; and 8-year-old Khalil, who’s also gifted academically and has his eye on a soccer career.

Creating moments of joy

If we asked Iyonna what she wanted, she would probably tell you it was to set a great example for others and make a difference in her community and that she feels pretty blessed by the educational opportunities she and the kids are receiving. But UBT and the Magic Moments team believe it’s time for some real holiday magic for this great family, and we set out to make it happen.

Even with her full schedule, Iyonna makes family time a priority. That’s why, after working with our partners to outfit them with gas cards and headlight repair, UBT focused on creating — and capturing — moments of joy for Iyonna and her brood. Professional family photos, yearlong entertainment passes, and special items tailored to each family member’s needs and interests were served up to create a holiday they won’t soon forget. The family recently got a puppy, who also received a basket of holiday fun. We wish you a magical holiday season!